Land Titles/Personal Property

Land Titles/Personal Property
Land ownership is a fundamental aspect of real estate, providing individuals with legal rights and interests in property. In Alberta, Canada, the system for recording and registering land ownership is known as the Land Titles System.
A land title is a legal document that proves ownership of a property. It contains important information such as the legal description, boundaries, encumbrances, and the name of the registered owner. Land titles serve as evidence of ownership and provide security and protection for property owners.
Land Title Searches
The majority of property records at the Land Titles Office are classified as public records and can be searched by anyone at any time. Titles identify the current owner and show all outstanding registered interests in the land, such as builders’ liens, caveats, easements and mortgages. To obtain a title search you must know the legal description, Land Identification Numeric Code (LINC number), or the title number for the property you want to search. Searches cannot be conducted based upon municipal addresses. Example of Civic address is: 1234 Side Street, Lethbridge, AB Example of Legal address is: Plan 1234 Block A Lot 1 For additional information Contact Astro Insurance.
These documents include information on all outstanding registered interests in the land, such as builders’ liens, caveats, easements and mortgages. For additional information Contact Astro Insurance.
If you have the legal address and you want to know who owned the property before the current owners we can provide a historical search. In fact Alberta properties can be searched all the way back to the original owners. For additional information Contact Astro Insurance.
Our office can provide you with the necessary forms required to assist in the registrations of mortgage discharges, registering builder’s liens and the transfer of lands, etc. In addition we’ll submit your documents directly to Land Titles Office for registrations. For additional information Contact Astro Insurance.
Our office can provide a search of the APPRES system for any registration in the province of Alberta. Here are a few examples of different searches we provide:
Business Debtor Name Search
Business Secured Party Search
Certificate of Expired or Discharged Registration Number Search
Distribution Seizure Search
Individual Debtor Name Search
Registration Number Search
Serial Number Search
Requirements for searches:
If you are searching a business or person we require the full legal name
If you are searching a motor vehicle we require the serial number
If you are searching a registration we require the last registration number
For additional information Contract Astro Insurance.
To avoid possible loss or legal conflicts pertaining to personal property we recommend registering your property in the Personal Property Registry. Registration of your interest in the Personal Property Registry does not guarantee priority over all other interests, however, it’s a necessary step in protecting your interests. We provide registration of the following:
Attachment Order
Court Orders
Crown Charge
Garage Keeper’s Lien Act
Land Charge
Maintenance Order
Matrimonial Property Order
Receiver’s Report
Sale of Goods or Factor Act
Security Agreement
Statutory Charge
Writ of Enforcement
Writ of Seizure and Sale (Federal Writ)
For additional information Contact Astro Insurance.
These documents provide property mapping. To request this document, you’ll need the legal address. For additional information Contact Astro Insurance.