Vital Statistics

The registration of all vital events that occur in Alberta including births, deaths, legal change of name and marriages is regulated by Service Alberta.
Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates
At Astro Insurance 1000 Inc we are authorized to provide certificates for individuals born, married, or for a death occurring in the province of Alberta. Each vital statistic certificate has its own specific requirements, so we recommend that you contact our office to secure the eligibility requirements. Important Information.
- All Certificates are mailed to your home address within 7-10 business days.
- Photo identification is required to process/order any certificate with us. See our acceptable Photo Only Identification page
- The new Alberta Birth Certificate is available in one size. The content on this certificate can or cannot include parent name & birthplace of each parent as an option
Legal Name Change
Only Alberta residents are eligible for a legal change of name. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older or a parents may apply on behalf of their child. There are times when a change or correction to a person’s name doesn’t require a legal change of name and can be adjusted through an amendment process. For couples married in Alberta there are no legal requirements to change a last name. It’s not a legal change of name when a spouse wishes to use his or her married last name or a combination of the two names. That said, any changes to your name outside of marriage do require a legal name change.
Once Vital Statistics receives and approves the legal change of name, a Change of Name Certificate will be mailed to you in 4-6 weeks. For additional information call our office.
Marriage License
In the province of Alberta Marriage Licenses are valid for up to 3 months. Here is a list of requirements necessary when applying for a Marriage License:
- Both partners must be present when applying for the Marriage License.
- Both partners must present proper Identification. Examples are Driver’s License, Government ID Card, Passport, or a Birth Certificate.
- If either party has been divorced they must provide the Certificate of Divorce. The Divorce Certificate is obtained from the Courthouse.
- If either party has been widowed please advise our staff, however a death certificate is not required.
- Both parties must provide names & birthplaces of both of their parents.
- It takes approximately ½ hour to process the Marriage License application.
If you have any additional questions pertaining to the Marriage License application please call our office and speak with one of our professional staff members.